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Data enrichment

Enrich your data and help your business grow

Stay up to date with your visitors’ demographic data and consumer patterns to stay ahead

Let’s get in-depth with data enrichment

Grow your business by collecting more first-party data with gamification

Collect valuable first-party data

Gamification is an excellent strategy to collect and own first-party data about your audience. Using the power of interactive experiences, you give value to your audience in exchange for their willingness to share their data – email, phone number, purchase history, preferences, demographics – with you. This information helps you retarget and nurture visitors with personalised content, aiming to move them forward in their customer journey.

With consumer uncertainty surrounding third-party data collection and a cookie-less future in sight, it is of great importance for businesses to own the data they collect. By using gamified campaigns in your marketing strategy, Scratcher makes it simple and effective to collect valuable first-party data and strengthen your knowledge about your audience.

Why is data so important?

Customers have high expectations for each business they associate with. It’s expected that businesses can anticipate their customers’ needs and provide an enjoyable experience. To do this, it is important that businesses know their customers’ identities and preferences.

Data allows you to gain more knowledge about your business and its customers. It helps you set goals, improve your performance, and strengthen your brand’s presence. From targeting ideal audiences to understanding customer preferences, the insights gained from data collection and enrichment will help you make informed decisions for the long term.

Updated data increases relevancy

Why do businesses need to enrich their data? The simple answer: to avoid data decay.

Data enrichment is not something you perform once and forget about. Consumer patterns tend to change over time and demographic data for individual visitors can evolve. Failing to update your business’ data can result in inaccurate and outdated information about your audience. In effect, the more updated information you have about your visitors, the greater the chance that you can create tailored offers for each and every customer.

How can gamification help you with data enrichment?

We are all well aware that we give up a lot of personal information on the internet on a regular basis. However, it’s rarely something that we enjoy doing. It can even feel a bit intrusive at times, right? With gamification, you offer your audience an engaging experience and reward in exchange for new and updated information. With this give-and-take approach, providing personal data is no longer a negative experience, but instead a valuable and memorable one.

Begin building a richer customer database

Enrich your first-party data with unique and effective interactive campaigns. With regular campaigns, you can ensure that your audience data – both first-time visitors and returning customers – is constantly up to date.

Contact us to see how you can gather deeper and richer customer data with Scratcher.