Supercharge your data: Gamification marketing strategies for effective data enrichment
Supercharge your data: Gamification marketing strategies for effective data enrichment In the world of digital marketing, where data reigns supreme! Picture this: the more you know about your audience, the sharper your marketing game becomes. CRM managers know well about this. It’s not just a hunch; it’s a trend backed by statistics. According to a […]
Gamification in email marketing
Mie Oline Erichsen Marketing Internal at Ackermann Gamification in email marketing Discover the secrets to transforming your campaigns into interactive and rewarding experiences. This insightful piece was originally crafted by Mie Oline Erichsen and has been thoughtfully translated into English for your reading pleasure. Ready to level up your email game? Find out how below! […]
10 best ways to boost your ecommerce conversion rates
10 best ways to boost your ecommerce conversion rates In the ecommerce world, consumer’s attention spans are short and options are abundant, a high conversion rate is the holy grail. For example, Gen Z’s attention span for ads is just 1.3 seconds, shorter than any other age group, as revealed in a global study by […]
The personalization approach to brand engagement
The personalization approach to brand engagement In today’s digital world, businesses are always trying to connect with customers in special ways in order to increase brand engagement. One powerful way to do this is through personalization. Personalization means tailoring experiences and messages to match what each person likes. It’s not just about selling things, or […]
10 tips for crafting a winning Christmas campaign with interactive content
Incorporating interactive games into your Christmas-themed marketing campaign can be a game-changer. By embracing the tips we’re sharing below, you can leverage the power of interactive games to craft a remarkable and prosperous Christmas marketing campaign that resonates with your audience and brings a joyful spirit to your brand. Let’s get into our top 10 tips for […]
Top 5 – Q4 Gamification Campaigns
Q4 is commonly associated with increased consumer spending, as it aligns with the holiday season. It’s a time filled with sales opportunities – not only for B2C businesses, but also for B2B enterprises. Shopping during the holiday season is a common, albeit odd, practice. If we look at it from another perspective: your customers and […]
Top 5 – Interactive lead generation campaigns
Traditional lead gen methods may not always be enough to capture the attention of your potential customers. From puzzles to slot machines, we’ve compiled a list of our top 5 interactive lead generation campaigns that turn idle prospects to activated leads.
Get Ready to Play! – Why gamification marketing is the next step in your customer journey
Remember when games like Farmville, Candy Crush, or even more recently, Wordle took over the internet? This type of “can’t miss” media – with consistent engagement – is what gamification marketing strives for. Humans like to be rewarded. We like to be challenged and accomplish goals. From the science side of things, the instant gratification […]
3-Step Rocket
Rasmus Mogenstrup Paid Social Director at PL & Partners We sat down with Rasmus Mogenstrup, Paid Social Director at performance marketing agency PL & Partners, to discuss how he makes the most of gamification on Paid Social. As a premium partner of Scratcher, Mogenstrup is an expert in this field and is sharing his 3-step […]
In-store Gamification Marketing
In-store interactive marketing Despite many believing the pandemic would cause the end of in-store shopping as we know it, retailers are still notably expanding their physical presence. In-store shopping has advantages which are impossible for e-commerce to achieve—such as the joy of instant interactive marketing or the support of store associates. The ability to see […]