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Gamification & Live Shopping

Gamification & Live Shopping Blog 1140x1140

Whether you call it livestream shopping, social shopping, or streamable shopping, in recent years, live shopping has reemerged to change the game for businesses all over the world. The combination of live streaming, social media, and e-commerce strikes a chord across the board, from the tech-savvy members of Gen Z to nostalgic millennials and Gen […]

Benefits of always-on marketing

Always-on marketing Blog 1140x1140

Marketing strategies can be sorted into two categories: campaign-style and always-on. As its name suggests, the campaign-style strategy releases one-off campaigns, usually aiming to maximise profits during seasonal events–Valentine’s Day, Easter, Black Week, Christmas, and the like. Always-on marketing, on the other hand, is the opposite. With this strategy, you’re making a commitment to consistently […]

NGOs: Prioritise your gamification game!

NGOs gamification Blog 1140x1140

Christian Sophus Ehlers Independent consultant. Helps NGOs, associations, and membership organisations get more supporters and members. For most non-governmental organisations (NGOs), fundraising organisations, and membership organisations, gamification marketing is a superior marketing channel. However, organisations should market their gamification far more widely than is currently the case–and they should work far more strategically for data […]

Time for a game-changer! How to succeed with gamification in 2023

Blog 1140x1140

Is 2023 the year you take your marketing to the next level? Gamification may be the answer! It’s a win-win for both you and your audience. By adding interactive elements to your campaigns, you can motivate leads to take action, share valuable first-party data, and make purchases, all while having fun and feeling rewarded for […]

Gamifying Business Success: An Interview with Scratcher’s CEO Casper Christiansen

Interview Casper Blog 1140x1140

Event management platform Agorify recently sat down with Scratcher’s own CEO, Casper Christiansen, as he shared the benefits of gamification in the marketing funnel, how it can improve event experiences, and other fantastic insights. Gamification is the process of using gaming concepts in a non-gaming context in order to make a certain activity more fun […]

From Lead to Customer

Lead to costumer _Blog 1140x1140

Rasmus Mogenstrup Paid Social Director at PL & Partners Back with more lead generation insights! We sat down with Rasmus Mogenstrup, Paid Social Director at performance marketing agency PL & Partners, to talk about the best approach to convert interested leads into loyal customers. PL & Partners takes a strategic and holistic approach to interactive […]

Gamification for NGOs

NGO Blog 1140x1140

Strengthen your outreach, education, and fundraising strategies with interactive experiences While it may be more well known for offering discounts and prizes in the B2B and B2C sectors, gamification marketing can be applied to a range of tasks and strategies for NGOs and the non-profit sector. Think of the possibilities: add an interactive component to […]

Gamification & Omnichannel Marketing

Omnichannel gamification

We are constantly on the move between the physical and digital worlds: we pop into the closest shop to see what’s on offer. We give our emails in-store for points and discount codes. We see curated ads on Facebook and Instagram. We compare products and services online before taking the jump. Omnichannel marketing is a […]

3-Step Rocket

Blog: Gamfication & Paid Media

Rasmus Mogenstrup Paid Social Director at PL & Partners We sat down with Rasmus Mogenstrup, Paid Social Director at performance marketing agency PL & Partners, to discuss how he makes the most of gamification on Paid Social. As a premium partner of Scratcher, Mogenstrup is an expert in this field and is sharing his 3-step […]